Menopause; the desperate reality indeed!

By Karen Fisher

I am certain the article below will resonate with many of our patients – both current and new! I was quite emotional reading it, as the onset of my own menopause coincided with two very tragic events in my life…

Firstly, I was seriously affected by the actions of a neighbour involving my three beautiful daughters and then, 2 years later, I lost my mother to an evil called pancreatic cancer.

Getting things right with regard to hormone re-balance takes time with BHRT. There is no easy or quick fix for many, though some respond quite quickly in fact; it all depends on the individual and that is the point. The treatment is bespoke and unique to each person and hormones often gradually introduced.

The NHS cannot offer a bespoke, tailored hormone re-balancing service and the cost of private treatment is prohibitive for many, which is such a shame in my view; I wish I could wave a magic wand for all. But, what price do we put on our health? We don’t baulk at the cost of vet bills and what’s the difference really – it too is private medical care?!

From my own experience, I know that the initial phase of treatment is higher in cost because it involves the diagnostic elements, consultations with the specialist doctors who treat you can be more frequent and, medication is normally separated, which makes it more expensive but… many would do it over and over and over again to feel ‘normal’.

I couldn’t put too high a price on that. (And nor could my husband and children, I’m sure!)

Hope you enjoy the article:

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